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faq:security:how-to-identify-phishing-mail [2020/07/20 17:40]
vikki [7. Suspicious attachment]
faq:security:how-to-identify-phishing-mail [2020/07/22 10:35]
vikki [7. Suspicious attachment]
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 Never open or download an attachment from an email unless you know what they are. If you happen to know the sender and choose to download the attachment, it is a good practice to always scan it using antivirus software. If you have doubts, contact the sender to verify if the attachment is genuine. Never open or download an attachment from an email unless you know what they are. If you happen to know the sender and choose to download the attachment, it is a good practice to always scan it using antivirus software. If you have doubts, contact the sender to verify if the attachment is genuine.
-If you detect a suspicious email, it is best to remove it immediately from your mailbox. Never respond to it. If you aren’t sure whether the email is genuine, you can always drop a message to your sender to verify it. If you need further assistance, please contact us at [[]].+If you detect a suspicious email, it is best to remove it immediately from your mailbox. Never respond to it. If you need further assistance, please contact us at [[]].
faq/security/how-to-identify-phishing-mail.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/22 10:35 by vikki