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faq:administrator:what_is_avomaster [2014/06/13 14:22]
vikki removed
faq:administrator:what_is_avomaster [2019/05/17 15:22] (current)
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-===== What is Avomaster? =====+====== What is AVOMASTER======
-**AVOMASTER** is the power user for VO. AVOMASTER can do all settings and all configuration to any userany module.\\+**AVOMASTER** is the power user for VO. AVOMASTER can do all the settings and the configuration to any user and any module.\\ 
 +The main role of AVOMASTER is managing VO.\\ 
 +To know more about what Avomaster can do, please refer to the user guide: {{:guide:user_manual_for_vo_avomaster_1.1.pdf|}}
-The main role of AVOMASTER is managing VO. 
faq/administrator/what_is_avomaster.1402640541.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/16 15:24 (external edit)