[[:dev|Developer Reference]] / [[dev:api|AOS API Document]] / Login ====== AOS Login API Commands - RFC ====== \\ Date: 21 Sep. 2000\\ Available: 21 Oct. 2000\\ Status: Draft\\ Compliant to AOS API Version: AOS 2.0b1\\ Revision: 1 (4 Jan. 2001)\\ Web: http://www.afteroffice.com/dev/api/login.html\\ By fui@afteroffice.com\\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Description**\\ Information on implementing different login method - from browsers and DA. **Command:** st.login.mms\\ Use: Login as valid VO user.\\ Access: HTTP\\ Method: POST and GET\\ Parameters case sensitive: NO, except for password\\ **Standard Method:**\\ http://afteroffice.com/st.login.mms?host=domain.com&name=userName&pswd=Password&api=lc Note: The above standard method URL login mainly use on browser. **Parameter:**\\ host = [optional] the user host - usually the second part of the email (firstPart@secondPart.com). If this parameter voided, the "name" should be in the full VO POP3 ID - which carry a host prefix\\ name = the user login name - usually the first part of the email (firstPart@host.com)\\ pswd = the user password\\ api = [optional] if "lc" is specified, the user session ID will be returned. Or else the full html will be returned.\\ lang = [optional] the language interface\\ timezone = [optional] the time zone.\\ **Encrytion Method:** Alternative "eyes encryption" format can be used for Local Client or DA:\\ http://afteroffice.com/st.login.mms?id=specialID&api=[api]&timezone=[tz]&lang=[languge]\\ **Parameter:**\\ api = [optional] if "lc" is specified, the return result will be the user session ID.\\ lang = [optional] the language interface.\\ timezone = [optional] the time zone.\\ specialID = is a code embedded with user host, name and password. Format: userName|userHost|password Encode in base64.\\ **Example:**\\ User email: liangtyan@lookafter.com, password "abc"\\ The original ID will be:\\ liangtyan|lookafter.com|abc\\ After base64 encoded:\\ bGlhbmd0eWFufGxvb2thZnRlci5jb218YWJj\\ **The final URL**\\ http://afteroffice.com/st.login.mms?id=bGlhbmd0eWFufGxvb2thZnRlci5jb218YWJj\\ **MetaTalk Sample:**\\ put username &"|"& userhost &"|"& userPassword into theID\\ put base64Encode(theID) into theID