[[:dev|Developer Reference]] / [[dev:api|AOS API Document]] / Storage ====== AfterOffice Storage System API ====== \\ [[dev:api:sapi:changeslog|(changes log)]] ^API Name ^Input Parameters ^Path to script ^ |GetDir |sid, path, fields, filter, sortby, sorthow |/storage/bin/api/get_dir.cgi | |GetItemInfo |sid, path, fields, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/get_item_info.cgi | |GetFile |sid, path, start, length, cl |/storage/bin/api/get_file.cgi | |GetChecksum |sid, path, checksum |/storage/bin/api/get_checksum.cgi | |PutFile |sid, path, data, start, truncate, autorename |/storage/bin/api/put_file.cgi | |Delete |sid, path |/storage/bin/api/delete.cgi | |Rename |sid, path, newname |/storage/bin/api/rename.cgi | |CopyMove |sid, path, tpath, move, replace |/storage/bin/api/copymove.cgi | |NewFolder |sid, path, description |/storage/bin/api/newfolder.cgi | |SetItemInfo |sid, path, date, dategmt, mtime, description, lock |/storage/bin/api/set_item_info.cgi | |DropItemCount |sid |/storage/bin/api/drop_item_count.cgi | |Search |sid, namepatt, descpatt, lookin, maxmatches, fields |/storage/bin/api/search.cgi | |DiskUsage & DiskQuota |sid, type, path, ignore_cache, was_from_cache_or_not |/storage/bin/api/diskusage.cgi | |Recent Emails |sid, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/recent_emails.cgi | |DropTo |sid, item_list, item_list_json, email_list, email_list_json, msg_subject, addmsg, language, days_valid, ack_pickup, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/dropto.cgi | |Drop Box Listing |sid, to_user, from_user, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/dbox_list.cgi | |DropItem Accept |sid, id, tpath, replace, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/dropitem_accept.cgi | |DropItem Reject |sid, id, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/dropitem_reject.cgi | |Encrypt |sid, path, path_list, passwd, delete_original, replace_existing_enc, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/enctypr.cgi | |Decrypt |sid, path, path_list, passwd, delete_enc, replace_existing_original, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/decrypt.cgi | |AntiVirus Scan |sid, path, ofmt |/storage/bin/api/av_scan.cgi | |Image Convert |sid, path, tpath, resize_width, resize_height, resize_percent, stdout_fmt |/storage/bin/api/img_convert.cgi | |Thumbnail Generation |sid, path, -opts (width / height / ignore cache) |/storage/bin/api/tn.cgi | [[http://vo.afteroffice.com/storage/html/dev/sapi/|Link to Storage API]]