[[:dev|Developer Reference]] / [[dev:api|AOS API Document]] / Send Messages ====== AOS Send Messages API commands - RFC ====== \\ Date: 21 Feb. 2000\\ Available: 21 Feb. 2000\\ Status: Draft\\ Compliant to AOS API Version: AOS 2.0b1\\ Revision: 1 (15 Jan. 2001)\\ Revision: 2 (16 April 2001)\\ Revision: 3 (24 April 2001)\\ Web: http://www.afteroffice.com/dev/api/sendmessage.html\\ By fui@afteroffice.com\\ -------------------------------------------------------------- **Description**\\ Send message. Support saving message to draft mailbox.\\ **What is new:**\\ Nothing has been changed in the command since Rev 0, just that more internal parameters have been published - providing more action on sending messages.\\ **New in revision 2**\\ Nothing has been changed on the API, added a MID parameter which was not documented.\\ **New in revision 3**\\ Add mheader parameter for customer header. Good for sending attachment or HTML email.\\ -------------------------------------------------------------- **Command:** [SID].sdmailact.mail.mms\\ Use: Send message or save message into draft mailbox.\\ Access: HTTP\\ Method: POST and GET\\ Parameters case sensitive: NO\\ Where: [SID] = the user login session ID\\ **Result:** html (browser) or OK (LC)\\ **Parameters:** ^Key ^Mandatory ^Description ^Sample ^ |api |Yes |Indicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: "LC". |lc | |mid |No |The email ID. Use this to save draft and overwrite the last version. |9556241 | |mto |No |To email Addr |support@afteroffice.com | |mcc |No |CC email Addr |support@afteroffice.com | |mbcc |No |Bcc email Addr |support@afteroffice.com | |msub |No |Subject of email |support@afteroffice.com | |body |No |body of email |Meeting | |snd |No |Specify "checked" indication to send the message as soon as possible. Without this parameter, the message will not be sent. If you use "svdf" parameter, remember to skip this one. |checked | |mprio |No |the Priority of the mail 1-5 |1 | |keepcopy |No |Keep a copy in outbox after sent, specify "checked" for true, empty for skip keeping copy. |checked | |svdrf |No |Save the message in the draft mailbox. The message will not be sent |checked | |mheader|No |Custom header to insert. |X-Company: Afteroffice | |URL |No |specify the URL to redirect the browser where to go next after sending the message.|http://abc.org/done/ | **URL Sample:**\\ http://afteroffice.com/SIDxxx.sdmailact.mail.mms\\ **Note:**\\ Browser has problem to support large GET data set, it is more reliable to use this command with POST method.