====== AfterOffice Form-To-Mail Template with Captcha Support ====== Version: 1.5\\ This form can be used by AfterOffice customers to create contact or feedback form on their website, which will send all collected information to the target email address. **Important Notes:**\\ * This form is designed to AfterOffice customers only. * This form must submit to a valid email address (hosted with AfterOffice). * jquery.js must be included in the html in order to support the captcha display. ----------- ===== Form Action ===== The form action looks like below.
Where //yourdomain.com//: Your domain. ----------- ===== Fields ===== Press refer to this page for all supported fields: https://afteroffice.com/form/form-captcha.html ----------- ===== Captcha Support ===== In order to load and display captcha, you are required to insert the following javascript function into your html header. To display the captcha field, simply insert //// into your form. Your Name: Your Email: ----------- ===== Captcha Validation (Optional) ===== The following javascript function is used to check if captcha is filled when the form is submitted. If the captcha is not filled, the user will be alerted. Where //formName// represents the name of the form. This function can be inserted as the onsubmit event of the form, like the example below.