====== How to integrate WhatsApp on website? ====== As WhatsApp is so popular and used by many people as a messaging tool, companies have realized the need to integrate this channel into their businesses so that potential customers can reach out to them instantly and easily. The good news is, WhatsApp has released a feature called "[[https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/chats/how-to-use-click-to-chat/?lang=en|click to chat]]", which allows its user to generate a chat link for his/her WhatsApp number. In this article, we want to share a simple way of adding a **WhatsApp Click to Chat button** on a website, utilizing this useful feature. Anyone who clicks on this button will open a new chat on your WhatsApp page and start chatting with you. ==== Step 1: Create your WhatsApp chat link ==== To create your WhatsApp chat link, just enter your phone number behind this link: %%https://wa.me/%% Let say your phone number is +6012-3456789, your link will be: https://wa.me/60123456789 Remember to include the area code but don't include the + or - sign in the phone number. ==== Step 2: Create a Hyperlink/Button to Embed the Chat Link ==== Next, create a hyperlink that contains the WhatsApp chat link, e.g.: Click here to chat on WhatsApp If you prefer to have have a button instead, include the button tag like below: You can also apply the chat link into an icon or an image. ==== Step 3: Insert Hyperlink/Button Into Webpage ==== Place the hyperlink or the button link within the body of your HTML page, and save it to the web server. The WhatsApp click to chat link or button will then appear on your website. Your visitors can then click on this link/button and start chatting with you via WhatsApp.