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Developer Reference / AOS API Document / Contact Manager

AOS Contact Manager - RFC

Date: 2 August 2001
Available: 21 August 2001
Revised: 21 August 2001
Revised: July 2007
Status: Draft
Compliant to AOS API Version: AOS 2.0b1

8/21/2001 Correction to the use for “lastnick” while saving record.
25/7/2007 Added creation and modification date/time.
10/18/2007 Added uid support, discountinued lastnick/nick as record reference and added custom field support.

Retrieve Contact manager raw data and performing editing tasks.

1. openabook.abook.mms: Obtain Contact list
2. saverec.abook.mms: Save contact information
3. delrec.abook.mms: Delete contact record
4. ext_fld.abook.mms: Set/get custom fields


Command: [SID].openabook.abook.mms
Use: Obtain Contact list
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID
Multiple-lines records, each line is a contact record


Key Mandatory Description Sample
api Yes Indicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: “LC” lc
file No The contact file name (not supported yet) mycontact
sp No Record seperator (default “UNIX”). Supported: “UNIX”, “DOS”, “MAC” MAC
fieldHeader No “yes” to include the field headers as first line, empty to void. yes

Contact record structure:
Each record seperate by a CR, field seperate by TAB. Line break in field indicate with “\r”

Field No. Field name Format Description Sample
1 nick String The shortcut of the name (nickname), no space allow jd
2 name String Name John Dill
3 email String Email Address. MIME supported
4 addr String Postal Address 33, Acme Street, PD
5 city String City DS
6 zip String Zip Code 36002
7 country String Country US
8 state String State AL
9 company String Company Acme Co.
10 job String Job title Manager
11 dept String Department Sales
12 tel1 String Telephone Number +5555555
13 tel2 String Telephone Number +5555556
14 fax1 String Fax Number +5555557
15 fax2 String Fax Number +5555558
16 mobile String Mobile phone number +5555559
17 pager String Pager number +5555551-555
18 web String Web site URL
19 rmk String Remark Nice
20 crdate String The date time when the record being created 7/29/2007 11:20 AM
21 mddate String The date time when the record being modified 7/29/2007 11:28 AM


Command: [SID].saverec.abook.mms
Use: Save contact record
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID


Key Mandatory Description Sample
api Yes Indicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: “LC” lc
uid No The record ID to update. You can leave this empty to create a new record, the ID will be automatically assigned by the Contact Manager. You can also provide a none-exist ID in order to create a new record with it. 23
file No The contact file name (not supported yet) mycontact
[Recrod Structure] Yes Refer to Contact record structure above -

true or false.


Command: [SID].delrec.abook.mms
Use: Delete contact record
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID


Key Mandatory Description Sample
api Yes Indicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: “LC” lc
uid Yes The ID to delete. 23

true or false.


Command: [SID].ext_fld.abook.mms
Use: Set or get the custom fields or extended fields
Access: HTTP
Method: POST and GET
Parameters case sensitive: NO
Where: [SID] = the user login session ID


Key Mandatory Description Sample
api Yes Indicate the http query is for API, only 1 argument accepted: “LC” lc
fld No The custom fields name to set, each field name seperated by a comma “,”.
If fld is empty, the existing custom field set will be returned.
If you would like to update the custom fields, the _update parameter must be set properly.
_update No If this is set to “checked”, the fld will be saved. Or else it will be ignored. checked

the existing custom field.

dev/api/contact.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/16 15:24 (external edit)