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FAQ / Email FAQ / Junk/Spam Control

Junk/ Spam Control

Jump to a topic:

  • Junk Filtering Setup (Users)
  • Getting Email From Junk Mailbox
  • Why is important email going into my Junk mailbox?
  • I am getting too many Junk mails, what should I do?
  • How to avoid your mails going into your recipient’s spam or junk mailbox
  • Junk filter hasn't been able to identify some of the junk mail that I've received.

Junk Filtering Setup (Users)

Please follow the steps below to setup your Junk filtering:

  1. Login to your email account
  2. Go to: Profile > Email > Configuration > Junk Settings
  3. Check the checkbox for “Junk Mail filtering enable”
  4. Leverage the sensitivity level – 1 > most sensitive | 10 > less sensitive

. Add all your possible contact to Address book under webmail
. Routine check your Junk folder to avoid lost of genuine email
. Or, download Junk folder email to your mail client (for eg. Outlook Express)
To learn how to download Junk folder mail, please refer to: Getting Email From Junk Mailbox

Recommended Settings:
. When Junk mail detected: Select Move to Junk mailbox option.
. Check the checkbox “Sender is in my Contact list” for “The following types of email are exempted from Junk filtering”.

. Setting the 'Delete' option may result in losing some of your genuine emails.
*After you configure for the Junk setting and you can't find any junk email that divert to the junk folder, you are advised to use the recommended setting for your Junk setting.

Refer the steps with guided image here.

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Getting Email From Junk Mailbox

You can get email from Junk mailbox instead of the default Inbox, by specifying -Junk suffix to your login name, like follows:

Note that Junk mailbox name are case sensitive, and it is the only one special mailbox available under POP3 access.

Use IMAP instead of POP3 if you wish to access multiple mailboxes with mail client.

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Why is important email going into my Junk mailbox?

When an external user sends an email message to your account, the mail server evaluates the content of the message and assigns the message a ranking based on the probability that the message is a junk mail. Emails could be rated with high junk ranking due to the sender's mail server reputation, the use of inappropriate subject title, or other related factors. The higher the junk ranking, the higher possibility for the email to be delivered onto the Junk mailbox.

There are a few ways you could do to avoid important emails being moved to Junk:

  1. Add the sender as your contact of your Address Book
  2. Global Mail Rules- Pass the sender's domain or email address
  3. Junk Filtering- Increase sensitivity level

For detailed steps please refer to: Why is important email going into my Junk mailbox?

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I am getting too many Junk mails, what should I do?

How to avoid your mails going into your recipient’s spam or junk mailbox

Junk filter hasn't been able to identify some of the junk mail that I've received.

faq/email/junk_or_spam_control.1402623676.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/16 15:24 (external edit)