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Storage API : AntiVirus Scan

AntiVirus Scan

Script path: /storage/bin/api/av_scan.cgi

Description:  Scan a file or entire folder for virus signature


   sid => the authenticated session id  (must be valid)

path => the file or folder to scan on.

path must specify an existing item.
The trailing "/" is not significant here even for folders.

ofmt => json | jsonp

output the response in JSON object.
"json" for formatting with minimal white space, and
"jsonp" for pretty formatting for easier human readability.
By default, for compatibility with legacy calls, non-JSON response is produced.

OUTPUT (content-type: text/plain)

   Successful processing of call:

File or files in folder are all ok, no virus signature detected.

Legacy output:

true <tab> 0

Equivalent JSON output:
"status" : true,
"scan_result" : 0,
"comment" : "No viral signature detected."

One or more files has viral signature, and the filename (or relative filename) and the virus name
is listed one on each following line, with <tab> separating the filename from the virus name

Legacy output:

true <tab> 1
basename.ext <tab> Virus.Name1
relative/path/to/basename2.ext <tab> Virus.Name2

Equivalent JSON output:
"status" : true,
"scan_result" : 1,
"comment" : "Viral signature detected.",
"infected_list" :
{ "path" : "/full/path/to/basename.ext", "virusname" : "Virus.Name1" },
{ "path" : "/another/full/path/to/basename2.ext", "virusname" : "Virus.Name2" }

General failed call:

Legacy output:

false <tab> (the error message)

Equivalent JSON output:
"status" : false,
"errmsg" : "(reason for the failure)"

Example outputs (first legacy format, followed by JSON format):

##### if the file or folder is non-existent

false Item does not exist.

"status" : false,
"errmsg" : "Item does not exist."

##### if no file is infected

true 0

"status" : true,
"scan_result" : 0,
"comment" : "No viral signature detected."

##### if the file (or at least one file in a folder) is infected

true 1
virus-infected-file-vwvzgu.exe Trojan.Autoit-77

"status" : true,
"scan_result" : 1,
"comment" : "Viral signature detected.",
"infected_list" :
{ "path" : "/Private/vcollection/virus-infected-file-vwvzgu.exe", "virusname" : "Trojan.Autoit-77" }

##### in this case four files (in a folder) have viral signature

true 1
eicar.bin Eicar-Test-Signature
eicarcom2.zip Eicar-Test-Signature
subfolder/eicar.com.txt Eicar-Test-Signature
subfolder/eicar_com.zip Eicar-Test-Signature

This last example means a folder was scanned. Suppose path=/Private/Docs is the folder, then it means
are infected.

"status" : true,
"scan_result" : 1,
"comment" : "Viral signature detected.",
"infected_list" :
{ "path" : "/Private/Docs/eicar.bin", "virusname" : "Eicar-Test-Signature" },
{ "path" : "/Private/Docs/eicarcom2.zip", "virusname" : "Eicar-Test-Signature" },
{ "path" : "/Private/Docs/subfolder/eicar.com.txt", "virusname" : "Eicar-Test-Signature" },
{ "path" : "/Private/Docs/subfolder/eicar_com.zip", "virusname" : "Eicar-Test-Signature" }

BTW, the "virus name" Eicar-Test-Signature is NOT a real virus, but a harmless signature decided by
European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) that is accepted by anti-virus developers
to have a way to safely test positive detection without the worry of handling actual virus.
You may google EICAR and EICAR Test Signature for more info. If you need the test files I have
the in my collection. :-)